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Letzte Aktualisierung: 23 Juli 2024

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  1. Toleranz ± 10%
  2. Bei maximalem Durchlassstrom. Toleranz ± 0,06V bei Durchlassspannungsmessungen.
  3. Im kontinuierlichen (nicht gepulsten) Betrieb.
  4. Bei Pulsbreite <= 10 ms und Tastgrad <= 10%. Die eingebaute Elektronikplatine muss umgangen werden (siehe technische Infos).
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Technische Dokumente

Product user guide
LTCLHP manual

Instructions for use

Instructions for use

Operation options

LTSCHP LED modules can be operated in two ways:

  • standard usage option: through the built-in electronics
  • direct LED control usage option

STANDARD usage option (LED control throuh built-in electronics)

Only continuous mode (constant voltage) is allowed.


Connect the black and the brown cables to your +12 / +24 V power supply.

Light intensity adjustment

The built-in multi-turn trimmer allows to control the light (LED forward current) intensity with a very high degree of precision: you can bring the current intensity from minimum to maximum with 21 full turns of the adjustment screw. Simply remove the protective cap and rotate counter-clockwise the adjustment screw to increase light intensity and vice versa.

Direct LED control usage option

Both continuous and pulsed mode are allowed; the built-in electronics can be bypassed in order to drive the LED directly for use in continuous or pulsed mode. When bypassed, builtin electronics behaves as an open circuit allowing direct control of the LED source. Please note that in such case light intensity adjustment is not possible though the built-in multi-turn trimmer.

Connect the black and blue cables as shown below (remove the LED anode protective cover).

Make sure not to exceed LEDs maximum rates to avoid electrical shorts.